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In the meantime, don't forget to add a reminder to your calendar using the buttons below!​


AddEvent[tcb-script type=”text/javascript” src=””][/tcb-script][tcb-script type=”text/javascript”]addeventatc.settings({license : “aejVUuoLSzOSqTDWtmAZ15628″,css : false,outlook : {show:true, text:”Outlook”},google : {show:true, text:”Google”},yahoo : {show:true, text:”Yahoo”},outlookcom : {show:true, text:””},appleical : {show:true, text:”Apple”},facebook : {show:true, text:”Facebook”}});[/tcb-script]03/24/2016 12:0003/24/2015 14:00Australia/SydneyFB Pixel WorkshopFacebook Pixel Workshop with Andrew Hubbard Hubbardandrew@andrewhubbard.cofalseMM/DD/YYYYShare0Tweet0Share0


step 1


Go to your email inbox

Go to the inbox of the email address you signed up with on the previous page.

step 2


Open the email from Andrew Hubbard

Find the email sent by me. It contains the details you need to attend the workshop. If you don't see it, check your spam folder.

step 3


Add me to your ‘whitelist'

Don't forget to add me to your email ‘whitelist' or mark the email as important in Gmail. This will make sure future emails don't go to spam

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